The Long Dance: Honoring the Stars and the Night Sky
In this ceremony we honor the night sky as we dance under the stars from just after sunset to just before dawn. Taking part in this ceremony helps you to access powerful images and insights from the unconscious mind. Before the dance, each participant creates a 2' x 4' banner with images depicting his/her past, present and desired future. During the afternoon of the dance, teachings are shared and we purify ourselves with a Sweat Lodge ceremony. The banners created before the dance are displayed in the dance arbor. Through dance we expand our vision and awaken to the infinite self. Dancing serves to purify us emotionally, mentally, physically and spiritually. As we become clear, we are able to recognize the beauty within ourselves and live in fine attunement with the beauty of this planet and all life forms. After a night of dancing, dancers rest and dream until 9:00 am. The ceremony ends after a morning feast and talking circle. The Long Dance was given to the Native American Shaman Beautiful Painted Arrow in a vision many years ago.