Those Who Inspire Us
Joseph Rael / Beautiful Painted Arrow

Joseph Rael/ Beautiful Painted Arrow is an internationally recognized Native American Medicine person, mystic, teacher, author and artist. In 1983, during a Sun Dance at the Southern Ute reservation, Joseph received the vision to build peace / sound chambers around the world. He later also received visions for sacred dances that would be open to people from all backgrounds: the Sun-Moon Dance, Drum Dance and Long Dance. Rick met Joseph in the early 1980s and Elisa met him in 1987. Joseph provided the inspiration for building the House of Mica Peace Chamber and when he retired in 1999 he authorized Rick and Elisa to conduct the sacred dances in his tradition. For more information about Joseph, his teachings, books and art work, please visit:
Yug Purush Mahamandeleshwar Swami Paramanand Ji

The title Yug Purush means: "The Enlightened One of His Time'” or "The Teacher of His Age". This title and others have been bestowed upon Swamii Paramanand by the Saints and Holy people of India in recognition of his Spiritual Leadership. He is a self-realized master, accomplished yogi and scholar of the Vendanta Philosophy (Ultimate One-ness). He took his vows of renunciation at a very young age and has spent the last 50 years in service to others. Swami Ji came to the US for the first time in 2000 as India’s chief speaker at the United Nations Spiritual Leaders Conference. Rick and Elisa met Swami Ji in 2001 and immediately recognized him as a true self-realized master. Swami Ji returns each year to the House of Mica Peace Chamber to lead a meditation retreat and share his wonderful teachings of self-realization and Ultimate One-ness. For more information go to:
Hymn to the Guru's Sandals
The ancient verses of the Guru Paduka Stotram (hymn) present the importance of devotion to one's spiritual teacher in the form of bowing to the Guru's padukas (sandals). The stotram is sung is a simple manner and a very loose, abbreviated translation of the text is interspersed with wonderful pictures of Swami Paramanand Ji during his travels across India. |
Babaji Baldev Singh

Babaji Baldev Singh is a Sikh holy person who shares the sacred word and inspires all with teachings of universal love. Babaji's is the spiritual leader of the Bulandpuri Sahib, a spiritual lighthouse in India. It is a gift to be in Babaji's humble presence as he shares Khajana Darshan, a divine mix of chanting and spiritual discourse. Babaji ignites our longing for oneness with the divine. Visit: Darbar Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji
Dungse Rigdzin Dorje Rinpoche

Dungse Rigdzin Dorje Rinpoche - Rinpoche is the son and spiritual heir of the renowned Himalayan Buddhist saint Kyabje Kunzang Dechen Lingpa. Fully trained by his father in the profound practice of Chod and in the course of Yeshe Lama, Rinpoche spent many years in retreat practicing the most profound meditation and yogic techniques, enabling him to not only reveal Buddha-nature for himself but for others as well. With the passing of his father, Rinpoche is now the spiritual head of Zangdokpalri Temple, nunnery and monastery in the northeastern region of India. He travels to the west with several of his nuns and monks to teach and perform sacred ceremonies for healing, world peace and the benefit of all. Elisa met Rinpoche in 2006 and he has offered the Healing Cho and other ceremonies at the House of Mica since 2007. For more information go to