Sun-Moon Dancing:
Medicine for Our Time by Rick Cotroneo This book is a personal recounting of the early dance ceremonies led by Joseph Rael and the story of more than 20 years of carrying the Sun-Moon Dance here at the House of Mica. The book is available on Amazon. Check out some early reviews of the book by leaders within the dance community. You can purchase a book when you are here, by emailing us, or on Amazon. |
Sacred Sounds with Beautiful Painted Arrow:
A 12 CD Series

The House of Mica Peace Chamber, in collaboration with Joseph Rael / Beautiful Painted Arrow and a sound studio, have digitally re-mastered Beautiful Painted Arrow’s entire collection of past recordings. This 12 CD collection includes his voice singing sacred sounds, chants, songs and teachings. Only available as a complete set.
List of the CD titles in the Sacred Sounds with BPA Series:
• Sunrise Chant; Moon Song; Two-Legged’s Call
• Sounds of the Face- Mouth; Nose
• Sounds of the Face- Ears; Eyes
• Sunrise Chant; Light Song of the Singing Heart
• Elk Dreamer; Walking to Chimayo
• Climbing Face of Spirit God; Circle of Life
• Shaman and the Bridges of Sound
• Sounds of the Elements- Water; Earth
• Sounds of the Elements- Air; Fire
• Sounds of the Elements- Ether
• Sounds for the World
• Seeds of Peace; Echo Caller; Mother Earth is Calling
The CDs are saved as audio files on a password protected page on this site.
With payment of $44 you will receive the password and will be able to listen to the material on a special page of this site or download all files to your chosen device. Please email us to arrange for payment. We will provide the password and then you may come back to this page, click on this link and type in the password provided to gain access to all files.
List of the CD titles in the Sacred Sounds with BPA Series:
• Sunrise Chant; Moon Song; Two-Legged’s Call
• Sounds of the Face- Mouth; Nose
• Sounds of the Face- Ears; Eyes
• Sunrise Chant; Light Song of the Singing Heart
• Elk Dreamer; Walking to Chimayo
• Climbing Face of Spirit God; Circle of Life
• Shaman and the Bridges of Sound
• Sounds of the Elements- Water; Earth
• Sounds of the Elements- Air; Fire
• Sounds of the Elements- Ether
• Sounds for the World
• Seeds of Peace; Echo Caller; Mother Earth is Calling
The CDs are saved as audio files on a password protected page on this site.
With payment of $44 you will receive the password and will be able to listen to the material on a special page of this site or download all files to your chosen device. Please email us to arrange for payment. We will provide the password and then you may come back to this page, click on this link and type in the password provided to gain access to all files.

The Direct Realization of Brahman: Brahman Sakshatkar
An excellent guidebook in the form of a series of lectures from Swami Paramanand Ji. Very well translated. For the serious devotee or student of Vedanta. $17.95
An excellent guidebook in the form of a series of lectures from Swami Paramanand Ji. Very well translated. For the serious devotee or student of Vedanta. $17.95
Listen to Swami Paramanand Ji Recite the Manduka Upanishad
Five Book Spiritual Reflection Series

This series of five brand new easy to read books provide you with key teachings from Swami Paramanand Ji about Vedanta, the teaching of Ultimate One-ness. Each book contains twenty quotes to deepen your experience of the book’s central topic. Book titles include: Divine Love; The Guru Within; The I of Holiness; Journey Inward to God; The Guru Within. $10 for the entire series.
Full Length Books of Swami Paramanand Ji's Teachings

Three Talks – excellent translation of three talks given by Swami Ji. (2011) $7
Meditation and Pranayam - translation of teachings, meditations and techniques for pranayam (2010) $7
Wisdom Within – Excerpts from Swami Ji’s teachings (2010)
Immortal Existence – Selection of some of the most profound articles taken from Akhand Param Dham’s quarterly English language newsletter (2010) $7
Perfection in Life – Discourses on Vedanta, meditation, self-realization and other topics (2006). $7
Meditation and Pranayam - translation of teachings, meditations and techniques for pranayam (2010) $7
Wisdom Within – Excerpts from Swami Ji’s teachings (2010)
Immortal Existence – Selection of some of the most profound articles taken from Akhand Param Dham’s quarterly English language newsletter (2010) $7
Perfection in Life – Discourses on Vedanta, meditation, self-realization and other topics (2006). $7