Sun-Moon Dance at the
House of Mica Peace Chamber
Saturday, June 28 to Tuesday, July 1
The Sun-Moon Dance is done in a beautiful outside dance arbor. The Tree of Life is at the center of the arbor. We dance back and forth to the tree. It becomes our focal point, reminding us of our greatness.
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Interested in learning more about the Sun-Moon Dance?
Check out Rick's new book Sun-Moon Dancing: Medicine for Our Time available on Amazon. Listen to a podcast interview with Rick about the dance and his new book.
Check out Rick's new book Sun-Moon Dancing: Medicine for Our Time available on Amazon. Listen to a podcast interview with Rick about the dance and his new book.
Above: Preparing the Sun-Moon Dance Tree in East Greenbush, New York
Below: The Sun-Moon Dance arbor in New Mexico looks out over an awe-inspiring canyon.
The Sun-Moon Dance is an intensive vision quest ceremony that takes place in a beautiful outside dance arbor. If you are filled with a sense of joy at the thought of communing with the earth and spirit for three and a half days then this ceremony is for you.
The sacred Tree of Life is placed at the center of the circular Sun-Moon Dance arbor. During the ceremony, dancers fast from food and water and move back and forth to the Sacred Tree of Life. We greet each day with Sunrise ceremony and have periods of dance and rest throughout the day. At night, we honor the Moon and enter into the dream world.
This ceremony helps us connect with the earth, the sky and all of nature. When we dance we experience ourselves as connected to a divine whole. In each moment, we are sustained by the Light of God. When we fast without food or water we see that Spirit is the true source of our lives. This dance represents an important opportunity to contribute to the healing of your self, your community and planet. As you dance, you honor your ancestors, the earth and sky and all of creation. Healing happens in an instant. Through the discipline of dancing we come to understand an inkling of our deepest potential. On one level, we dance to honor the present, cleanse the past and to bless the future. On another level, we dance to step out of perceptual time into the eternal presence of the One Divine Being of Love.
The Sun-Moon Dance offers you a powerful opportunity to discover who you truly are. As we dance we free ourselves of old habits and limiting beliefs. We cleanse and heal our physical and energetic bodies so that the fabric of our being is mended and we experience our sacred wholeness. Since the beginning of time, we Two-leggeds have created sacred dances to honor life. This dances come from somewhere deep inside the psyche and as we dance we come home to ourselves. During the dance we fast from food and water so that we might “die into our true selves”. This is an ancient mystery that is beyond the mind. We enter the sacred world of dream and metaphor and begin to understand that we are not our bodies but rather we are spiritual beings capable of great compassion, love and wisdom. When we experience this truth it changes everything!
Everyone arrives at the dance site on Thursday afternoon or Friday morning. All involved in the dance take part in a sweat lodge ceremony. The dance formally begins late Friday afternoon. Dancing continues until just after dark and resumes again just before sunrise. During the day, there are periods of dancing and rest. At night, dancers enter the visionary dream world. The ceremony ends on Monday morning with a water blessing and feast.
A commitment to the Sun-Moon Dance re-affirms your commitment to your spiritual growth. Transformation begins the moment you make the commitment to dance. When we dance, we step into the center of the Sacred Circle and begin to discover who we truly are: beyond ego, beyond thoughts, beyond emotions and beyond our self-perceived limitations. This is a process that takes place in an instant and then unfolds over time. Over the course of four dances these teachings go deeper and deeper. Once a dancer makes the commitment to dance he/she will be provided with a list of recommended items to have at the dance. It is amazing to see how spirit works to make sure dancers have everything they need.
The ceremony is open to everyone who feels called to serve and to heal. Dancers come from all races, faiths, orientations and preferences.
The dance is carried by a loving and present crew of support people, who hold the dancers as they journey to the depths and heights of spirit.
At a deep level, each person knows whether this dance is right for them. Rick and Elisa are available to talk with people who are considering dancing. As with all decisions it is important to listen to your heart. For more information talk with Rick, Elisa or someone you know who has taken part in or supported a dance.
You can also learn more about the Sun-Moon Dance at
The sacred Tree of Life is placed at the center of the circular Sun-Moon Dance arbor. During the ceremony, dancers fast from food and water and move back and forth to the Sacred Tree of Life. We greet each day with Sunrise ceremony and have periods of dance and rest throughout the day. At night, we honor the Moon and enter into the dream world.
This ceremony helps us connect with the earth, the sky and all of nature. When we dance we experience ourselves as connected to a divine whole. In each moment, we are sustained by the Light of God. When we fast without food or water we see that Spirit is the true source of our lives. This dance represents an important opportunity to contribute to the healing of your self, your community and planet. As you dance, you honor your ancestors, the earth and sky and all of creation. Healing happens in an instant. Through the discipline of dancing we come to understand an inkling of our deepest potential. On one level, we dance to honor the present, cleanse the past and to bless the future. On another level, we dance to step out of perceptual time into the eternal presence of the One Divine Being of Love.
The Sun-Moon Dance offers you a powerful opportunity to discover who you truly are. As we dance we free ourselves of old habits and limiting beliefs. We cleanse and heal our physical and energetic bodies so that the fabric of our being is mended and we experience our sacred wholeness. Since the beginning of time, we Two-leggeds have created sacred dances to honor life. This dances come from somewhere deep inside the psyche and as we dance we come home to ourselves. During the dance we fast from food and water so that we might “die into our true selves”. This is an ancient mystery that is beyond the mind. We enter the sacred world of dream and metaphor and begin to understand that we are not our bodies but rather we are spiritual beings capable of great compassion, love and wisdom. When we experience this truth it changes everything!
Everyone arrives at the dance site on Thursday afternoon or Friday morning. All involved in the dance take part in a sweat lodge ceremony. The dance formally begins late Friday afternoon. Dancing continues until just after dark and resumes again just before sunrise. During the day, there are periods of dancing and rest. At night, dancers enter the visionary dream world. The ceremony ends on Monday morning with a water blessing and feast.
A commitment to the Sun-Moon Dance re-affirms your commitment to your spiritual growth. Transformation begins the moment you make the commitment to dance. When we dance, we step into the center of the Sacred Circle and begin to discover who we truly are: beyond ego, beyond thoughts, beyond emotions and beyond our self-perceived limitations. This is a process that takes place in an instant and then unfolds over time. Over the course of four dances these teachings go deeper and deeper. Once a dancer makes the commitment to dance he/she will be provided with a list of recommended items to have at the dance. It is amazing to see how spirit works to make sure dancers have everything they need.
The ceremony is open to everyone who feels called to serve and to heal. Dancers come from all races, faiths, orientations and preferences.
The dance is carried by a loving and present crew of support people, who hold the dancers as they journey to the depths and heights of spirit.
At a deep level, each person knows whether this dance is right for them. Rick and Elisa are available to talk with people who are considering dancing. As with all decisions it is important to listen to your heart. For more information talk with Rick, Elisa or someone you know who has taken part in or supported a dance.
You can also learn more about the Sun-Moon Dance at